Aveteran Landscape & Sitework

From the company: We founded and dedicated our company to keep the memory of Corporal Jeremy Jones U.S. ARMY alive. A fallen warrior and friend now resting from combat. Jeremy is forever a major reason why we got into business. Like Forest Gump we would joke about “starting a business cutting grass” while baking in a Humvee with a busted AC unit under the Iraqi heat during our deployment. His memory and dreams will forever live on with us. Still serving our country, just one lawn at a time.
We have grown from a general lawn maintenance company to a full landscape and sitework provider. We forever are humble and are grateful for our clients through out the years. We could not be here without you and can not continue to grow without your support.
Services Offered
Aveteran Landscape & Sitework
25651 Rabbitbrush, San Antonio, Texas
Phone: ( 210)651-2689
Email: aveteranlandscape@gmail.com
Website: www.aveteranlandscape.com